How to Set Up an Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in an Underserved Community
2 min readNov 27, 2023
There are several key components to consider when launching a program in a community that is not accustomed to entrepreneurship as a pathway.
In some cases, access to technology is limited. Consider and discuss these steps:
- Do a Culture Shift. This usually happens through our Exploring Entrepreneurship program, in which people learn how to convert an idea into a startup business. We reviewed six major international programs, learned from them, and created one simple boot-cam type program. Sessions are 3–5 hours each, scheduled over 3–5 days.
- Within those sessions, define what entrepreneurship really is, what it takes to start a business, how to identify the ideal customer, how to finance to make money, and of course, logistically, what you need to do to make it happen.
- It is critical to have a local resource or partner. It’s difficult to make anything happen without one. Your local partner should be somewhat embedded in the existing ecosystem — or at least respected — and can reach the locals within the community.
- Invite at least two local entrepreneurs who are accomplished enough that people want to learn more about them. Not the biggest, most successful entrepreneur — you want someone with whom the aspiring entrepreneurs…