Leadership Positions vs Leadership
In the humbling experience of meeting probably a million people around the world, I have personally learned that there is a huge difference between being in a leadership position and actually being a leader.
You might have heard this before in reference to the difference between managers and leaders: Manager organize things, times, people, and resources. Leaders inspire others to do and follow.
Leadership positions are completely different from being a leader. Someone may hold a leadership position, but not in any way be a leader within the organization or the community.
Being a Leader is not a position for which you apply. It’s a position that others give you — by following you, being inspired by you, and by wanting to be part of your organization or circle.
It has been interesting, during the pandemic, to watch how leaders step up to make sure others are being lifted and inspired to keep moving forward — no matter where those leaders are within the organization or community.
We encourage the leadership of organizations to rethink what Leadership means to them:
Is this a Leadership Position or is this person a Leader within?
We believe we all have the capacity and ability to look within and learn how to leverage the knowledge, the network, and the information we possess, and to inspire others to do well within their organizations and communities.
As you already know, we never intend to be tell you what to do or how to think. What we ask is that you think about the terminology and concept we are sharing here. Of course, we would love to hear your thoughts and insights on any of the discussion we have.
We see our blogs as opportunities for dialogue. Please share your thoughts as comments.
- Have you differentiated leadership positions from leaders before now?
- What have you done to lead within your organization or community?
- What else have you done to be part of the leader community?
Faris Alami is Founder and CEO of International Strategic Management, Inc. (ISM). He works internationally, presenting Exploring Entrepreneurship Workshops and other entrepreneurial ecosystem — related ventures.
#entrepreneurship #leadership #farisalami