Never Doubt, Always Question
Working globally with entrepreneurs and leaders, I have noticed that people in under-served, under-represented, and under-resourced communities often doubt themselves.
Part of it, I think, is that they think their concept or idea isn’t “good enough.” They don’t believe they can really do it or that they are worth it. I say quite the opposite — Yes, you are worth it, yes you are good enough, and yes you can do it!
Looking at what you don’t have is not the best way to be thinking about your future.
Look instead at what you have right now — finding ways to leverage that is the key. Leveraging what you have now allows you to think about it in a meaningful way — which involves asking questions.
I’m not say you shouldn’t question whether or not you could do something if you have the skills. I am saying: Don’t Doubt It — Question It. Ask yourself:
- What do I have that I can start with?
- What do I need to complete the activity or the project?
- Do I have to have the things I think I need?
- Can I do it any other way?
Think back over the last few years, especially regarding what happened with COVID. Many of us never thought we would have meetings via ZOOM, or have most of our meetings via phone calls or video conferencing. Yet here we are.
Stop doubting and start questioning — it will allow you to think about answers and solutions, whereas doubting will only leave you sitting there feeling unable to do anything.
We see our blogs as opportunities for dialogue. Please share your thoughts as comments.
- What can you do to shift your mindset from doubting to questioning?
- What questions can you ask yourself to help you move forward?
- What other tools have you used or utilized to stop doubting and start questioning?
Faris Alami is Founder and CEO of International Strategic Management, Inc. (ISM). He works internationally, presenting Exploring Entrepreneurship Workshops and other entrepreneurial ecosystem — related ventures.