Race is Part of the Equation
Opportunities that are equal and opportunities that are fair are not necessarily the same thing.
We all know the killing of George Floyd has raised many questions beyond society as a whole. CEOs and Founders of companies are taking a stance on what should be right. Still, there seems to be confusion around doing the right thing about equality and of course, providing opportunities for all.
The point that many leaders are wanting to make is that we will never fix the problem if we are not willing to recognize and acknowledge that the problem exists.
We cannot fix it, or heal from the effects of it until we admit that it is there.
The challenge in the workplace is not only that is sometimes neither equal nor fair, but that there is a systematic approach to everything. We as humans might not have the ability to recognize that unless someone points it out.
We have, for millions of years, utilized our brains to believe what we want to believe, even if we see something different. Unless we are able to recognize that we have a problem that needs fixing, more innocent people will be killed. And with that, the workplace will suffer since our personal lives are now more than ever a part of our professional lives.
Our mindset is the most powerful thing we can control. This has become all the more apparent to us as we speak with leaders and entrepreneurs around the world. We need to recognize that so we can better learn from our mistakes and recognize what can be fixed. We still have a long way to go.
The workplace — whether in an office building, a home office, or some other situation — is definitely going to feel the tension that the race questions have brought to the table. Some say this is a new phenomenon. The reality is that this has been going on for a long time — centuries, not decades. With all that has come about because of COVID-19 — including the killing of George Floyd — we now having the opportunity to pay closer attention.
We see our blogs as opportunities for dialogue. Please share your thoughts as comments.
What can you do to improve the lives of your community?
What can you do to engage other people in a discussion rather than a fight?
What have you done to keep race, equality, and fair opportunities for all in your workplace?
Faris Alami is Founder and CEO of International Strategic Management, Inc. (ISM). He works internationally, presenting Exploring Entrepreneurship Workshops and other entrepreneurial ecosystem — related ventures.
#entrepreneurship #leadership #racialequality #farisalami