The People You Need for Your Business

Faris Alami
2 min readNov 8, 2022


Image from Unsplash by Amy Hirschi

No man (or woman) is an island.

Throughout my career, and working with so many wonderful people around the world, it has become clear that there are a few key people you have to have on your side. People who are there when you need them to keep your business moving forward positively.

You may or may not need to hire them, but having them available is important.

You need:

  1. A good lawyer, or at least be aware of one.
  2. A good CPA or accountant/CFO.
  3. Business Associates — other business owners like yourself, or associations to which you belong where you can have discussions or pose questions.

One of the lawyers I worked with many years ago helped me save my business when I was dealing with a troublesome lease. Just simple terminology that the average person may not understand can get us in trouble. In this case, the terminology gave me first right of refusal to expand into the space next door, before the landlord rented it to someone else. That key terminology allowed me to expand my business without having to find a new location.

Networking has also been important in my business, and many have given me insight into what they were doing, or just casually talked about what was happening. For us to have a “safe zone” to discuss various aspects of our business is important. This is where networking and organizations such as Chambers of Commerce come into play.

You might want to think of these business associates as mentors.


We see our blogs as opportunities for dialogue. Please share your thoughts as comments.

  1. What can you do to connect with a lawyer, CPA/accountant/CFO, and a mentor/business colleague?
  2. What other tools have you used to keep your business going?
  3. Can you think of any other people that are important to have on your side?


Faris Alami is Founder and CEO of International Strategic Management, Inc. (ISM). He works internationally, presenting Exploring Entrepreneurship Workshops and other entrepreneurial ecosystem — related ventures.



Faris Alami

Global Entrepreneurship ecosystem, SME and leadership development in local communities