The Resilient Entrepreneur Mindset
Over the last four months we’ve been fortunate to continue our work with thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world.
What we learned across our 20+ years of working with entrepreneurs and leaders globally is that Resilient Entrepreneurs share several characteristics, which we will share with you over the next few weeks.
These characteristics are not normally articulated this way — they are things we have reframed after listening and observing across the years and particularly over the last few months. We hope these frames will help you learn the process of discovering the resilient entrepreneur inside you.
The first of the four pillars of the Resilient Entrepreneur is the MINDSET.
As a Resilient Entrepreneur, your mindset should be focused on these three things:
- Entrepreneurship
- Leadership
- Compassion
And yes, we have a program that walks you through all four pillars in five weeks and in which you also work one-on-one with a coach. Over the next few weeks, we’ll discuss the other three pillars.
The Resilient Entrepreneur Mindset is comprised of:
Entrepreneurship: The way you think, look at things, the opportunities, the problems you are solving, the things you are creating. They all need to be from an entrepreneurship perspective — that things are scarce and you have to watch the resources that you have and operate with resilience.
Leadership: You have to also have the mindset of a leader. You are the one that has to step up, take the chances, be the calming voice.
Compassion: During a crisis, people need to feel and know that they can relate to you, and that you relate to them. This is an important piece we’ve learned from the very most resilient entrepreneurs with whom we have worked.
We see our blogs as opportunities for dialogue. Please share your thoughts as comments.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll cover the other three pillars. Until then, think about:
- What mindset do you currently hold to?
- What resources do you use to stay resilient at this point?
- What advice would you give to people during tough times?
Faris Alami is Founder and CEO of International Strategic Management, Inc. (ISM). He works internationally, presenting Exploring Entrepreneurship Workshops and other entrepreneurial ecosystem — related ventures.
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